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Aesculepius, Asculapius (Latin); and Asclepius, Asklepios (Greek), Parts 1 and 2
A god for all medical doctors.
These two sections present information about Aesculepius, Asclepius with illustrations, Part 1; and Asculapius, Asklepios, Part 2. The images make it easier to appreciate and understand the origins and struggles of medicine and those ancient influences on modern medical images.
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Special Contents of Interest
(page 1)
Word Entries containing the term:
“parts 1 and 2”
Limbo Parts 1 and 2
Neither heaven nor hell, Limbo, Part 1 and Part 2, may no longer have a place in Roman Catholic Church beliefs.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Special Contents of Interest
(page 3)